Microsoft Authenticator

Beginning January 2024, all students, faculty, and staff will need to download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app to access GCCCD resources away from campus. This guide will ensure the process goes smoothly. It is best to complete the entire procedure from your smartphone.


*Note: This guide assumes Android but the steps for iPhone are nearly identical.


Setup Authenticator

Follow the procedures below to download and setup the app.

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Part 1 - Download the Authenticator app

The app is available free of charge on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

  1. In your respective app store search for Microsoft Authenticator:
Screenshot of Authenticator App in Google Play Store

*Note: Double- and triple-check you’re choosing the app by Microsoft Corporation.


  1. Install the app from the app store. You don’t need to do anything else with the app at the moment
Part 2 - Login to GCCCD Email
  1. Using your smartphone, open your web browser app. Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browsers preferred (Safari may fail to work properly in some instances)
  2. Launch a new Private or Incognito window or tab:
  3. Navigate to
  4. Enter your email address (if you don't know it, see the FAQs or the Guides section of this website) and select Next:
Screenshot of Outlook Sign in
  1. Enter your password (if you don't know it, see the FAQs or the Guides section of this website) and select Sign In:
Screenshot of Password Entry
  1. You will be stopped by the Microsoft More information required screen. Select Next to advance the screen. You may do this because you already obtained the Authenticator app in the previous step:
Screenshot of More Info Required
Part 3 - Pair your account to the app
  1. Since you have the Authenticator installed already, advance the Keep your account secure screen by choosing Next:
Screenshot of Outlook Sign in
  1. Tap on the link that reads Pair your account to the app by clicking this link. This adds your account to the Authenticator app:
Screenshot of Password Entry
  1. This should launch the app on your phone. Give the Authenticator app any permissions it requests in order to send you Notifications. Choose Allow:
Screenshot of Authenticator App
  1. The app will add your account automatically. You do not need to take any action when it says Activating. Please wait… :
Screenshot of Account Added to App
  1. On the app’s main screen, you should now see your account listed:
Screenshot of Account Added to App

*Note: If you do not see your account listed at this point, the process may have timed out. Go back to Part 2 and reattempt to login. Choose the same link to pair, and it should now activate properly.


Part 4 - Finalize the connection

With your account in the app, the last step is to verify everything is working

  1. Go back to the browser and if needed, advance the screen by choosing Next. You should be given a two-digit number on the screen
  2. At the same time, you should receive a notification from the Authenticator app. It will ask you to Approve sign-in? through a pop-up notification:
Screenshot of Android Notification
  1. Open the notification and enter the two-digit number you were given (it will differ from the image). Confirm Yes it is you signing in:
Screenshot of Outlook Sign in
  1. Your browser should update with a Notification approved message:
Screenshot of Password Entry

Choose Next if needed, and you should be able to finish the sign-in.

Congratulations, you are now finished!!

Microsoft Authenticator is successfully setup on your device and account. The next time you login to a school resource (email, Library, Wepa), you will simply approve the sign in on your smartphone by entering a two-digit code.



Need further assistance?

If you have questions or need clarification about this guidance, please reach out to the Technology Help Desk.