If you need assistance beyond our Frequently Asked Questions or Technology Guides provided, please reach out to us with the following information:
Your full Name.
Your Student or Employee ID number.
Your Date of birth.
A brief description of the problem or issue, including the name or GC# of
any school equipment being used.
(If contacting via email) A phone number where you may be contacted.
(If contacting via phone) An email address where you may be contacted.
A two-hour window of time during which we may return your call, if needed.
*Note: Providing the requested information will help to expedite assistance.
Please note that we may only assist with Grossmont College resources (hardware, software, and campus Wi-Fi). For issues with non-District-owned devices,
please follow these guidelines:
For Internet connectivity issues at home, contact your cable or Internet Service Provider (ISP).
For device issues such as blank screen, power or hardware failures, or suspected virus or malware infections, you will need to contact a computer repair service such as Geek Squad, unless you are using a District-owned device.
Students and Faculty may contact us during our normal Hours of Operation.
You may reach us by sending an email to Grossmont Help Desk (g-helpdesk@gcccd.edu). You may also call the Help Desk at (619) 644-7742.
*Note: Messages received after hours will be answered the next business day.
Staff members are supported by the District Services IT Help Desk. You may email District IT at helpdesk@gcccd.edu, or call the IT Help Desk at (619) 644-7547.