How to Apply


Application Period Program Start
Jan 1 - Jan 31 Fall 
July 1 - July 31 Spring 



Admission to the program is based upon the California Community College Chancellor's multi-criteria screening tool, Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS ) score, degrees, work experience, life experiences, and second language proficiency. See Criteria for Admission Grid for the criteria and point values for admission screening purposes. Re-applications are permitted. 


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Obtain a student ID number
Complete the Science Prerequisite Courses
Complete the 'Fixed Set' General Education Prerequisite Courses
Take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
Prepare additional documents if applicable


Submit Application

Applications to the Grossmont College Nursing Program will be submitted electronically. Applications are accepted every January and July. 





Provisional acceptance letters will be sent within two months of the close of the application period. If you are invited into the program, the Nursing Program will notify you at the most recent email address submitted. All correspondence will be conducted through email only. It is extremely important that you maintain a valid account with the Nursing Office. Students are considered provisionally accepted, and become officially accepted once the requirements below are complete.


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Immunizations & TB Tests
Background Check & Drug Screen

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I have a misdemeanor or felony conviction. Will I be denied licensure?
Do I need a Social Security Number?
Am I still eligible if I have completed previous nursing coursework?
Can I work during the program?
I am just starting out, where do I begin?
How long will it take me?
Is there a nursing counselor?
How many hours a week of study is it?
What is the difference between an Associate Degree Registered Nurse (ADN) and a Bachelor's Degree Registered Nurse (BSN)?
I want to be a Pediatric Nurse. Can I do that with just my Associate Degree in Registered Nursing?
I am have accepted a seat in another Grossmont College health Professions Program. Can I still apply to the nursing program?
How do I determine whether the college I obtained my degree from is regionally accredited?
Am I able to transfer to Grossmont Nursing from another nursing program?
Do I need the COVID-19 Vaccine?




Nondiscrimination Statement

The Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, nationality, gender, age, or disability in admission or access to, treatment of, or employment in, its programs and activities.


GCCCD Nondiscrimination Notice