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- Transfer Center
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- Transfer Center
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- Application Assistance and Next Steps
- Articulation Center
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- Cross Enrollment
- Events and Workshops
- Transfer Planning
- Grade Point Average Calculator
- Pre-Professional Counseling
- Useful Websites
- For University Reps
- Transfer Achievement Celebration
You can reach us via email while we are working remotely. Visit our Contact Us page. We are here to help!
In addition, please find links below to ask us questions, schedule appointments and send us emails!
Quick Question
- Do you have a quick question for a counselor?
- Please submit your question via e-Advising. Please note e-Advising responses could take up to five (5) business days to receive.
- Or you may email us* at grossmont.transfer@gcccd.edu. Include your name, ID# and phone number and the question you would like a counselor to address.
- Depending on the question you have, you may be referred to make an appointment with a counselor.
- Appointments are for Transfer Students planning to transfer from Grossmont to a 4-year university with questions beyond our Quick Questions/e-Advising service. If you are not planning to transfer and would like to schedule a counseling appointment (for example, you have questions about Associate degree requirements, are requesting assistance with a petition, have overload questions, etc) please visit the Counseling Center website to schedule an appointment.
- You may choose Zoom or phone appointment. Please let us know your preference when requesting an appointment.
- Use our online appointment scheduling system to schedule an appointment with a Counselor. Be sure to note in the comments: 1) preference for Zoom or phone appointment, 2) transfer institution, 3) major, and 4) topics you'd like to discuss. Appointments scheduled with a Transfer Counselor, that are not transfer related will be canceled.
- Or you may email us* at grossmont.transfer@gcccd.edu to request an appointment. Include your name, ID# and phone number, request for phone or Zoom appointment, date(s)/time(s) preference and the questions you would like a Counselor to address.
- Log in to Zoom at your appointment time. Students 15 minutes late will need to reschedule. If you have indicated a preference for a phone appointment, your Counselor will call the phone number on file at your appointment time.
- Please be ready to verify your identity (e.g. show ID card) at the start of your appointment. Phone appointments will be required to answer a series of questions.
General Information
- Do you have a question about our office? Scheduling an appointment? Services available?
- Please email us* at grossmont.transfer@gcccd.edu. Include your name, ID# and phone number and the question you would like addressed.
*Please note we are responding to emails during regularly scheduled business hours and depending on the number of emails received could take several business days to address.
We look forward to connecting with you!
Please know: While the Grossmont College campus has been closed until further notice in response to COVID-19, it remains our goal to provide information for effective transfer planning to California State University (CSU), University of California (UC), Independent/Private or Out-of-State Colleges and Universities. In an effort to provide the best services we can during this challenging time we are making as much information available online as possible and as soon as possible. Please check back regularly. We will get through this together and be stronger because of it.
Next steps will depend on the university you applied to and also on the admission decision you received. We invite you to connect with a Counselor either through our e-Counseling Quick Question format or by scheduling an appointment. Please see the “Counseling Support during Closure” section on our website for details.
In order to make this request for an earlier start date you will need to speak with your university’s Admissions Office.
- Consult the SDSU Admissions Appeals website for instructions, appeal form, and submission instructions.
- Contact our SDSU Admissions Representative, Magaly, to find out your reason for denial. Her email is mcorroflores@sdsu.edu. Include your Name and RedID number.
- Review a sample appeal letter.
- Review the appeal form with answers to Entry Status and Reason for Appeal selected. You may choose to print, fill out, and scan this form as a pdf to submit with your appeal packet. Or go to the pdf on SDSU's website and fill in your answers, save as pdf and email with packet.
- Review our "I Got Denied...Now What?" workshop PowerPoint.
- Questions: email us at grossmont.transfer@gcccd.edu
- Check their website for appeals information.
- Review our "I Got Denied...Now What?" workshop PowerPoint.
- Email us at Grossmont.transfer@gcccd.edu to learn more.
University Representatives that were scheduled to be at our Spring 2020 Transfer Options Fair have provided information about their campuses, how to apply and their university representative's contact info. This is available on our Transfer Fair website. Many of these campuses continue to accept applications for the 20-21 academic year.
Contact Us with additional questions.
Transcripts are being sent while campus is closed. Transcripts sent to SDSU will be sent electronically. All other transcripts are sent by mail. For instructions how to request transcripts to be sent please see the Admissions and Records webpage and specifically the information "Official Transcripts--Order Online".
Please Note: Your GCCCD transcripts will include both Grossmont and Cuyamaca coursework. If you attended another college/university outside of our district you will need to complete a separate request through that college.