Image of a poker chip that says Grossmont College POCR: Peer Online Course Review

Peer Online Course Review (POCR) was established in 2014 by the CVC-OEI Professional Development Workgroup to ensure students in the California Community College system have access to high-quality online courses designed to support student learning and success.

During POCR, reviewers use the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric as the standard for a high-quality online course. The rubric has four sections -- Content Presentation, Interaction, Assessment, and Accessibility -- with a total of 44 elements between them. Once the peer-review process confirms a course aligns with the rubric, that course will be badged as a high-quality online course.

Grossmont College's local POCR program is designed to:

  • Improve online student success rates.
  • Provide an engaging professional development experience for new and experienced faculty.
  • Lead to more engaging and inclusive online experiences for students and teachers.
  • Create a community of practice in which teachers share their challenges, develop new approaches, and support one another.
  • Lead to "Quality Reviewed" courses that have fully implemented the OEI-Course Design Rubric.

To help instructors prepare their online courses for this process, Grossmont's team also developed its POCR Buy-in Program.


The following team guides the POCR process at Grossmont College:

  • Dr. Jeanette Calo, POCR Lead
  • Dawn Heuft, Instructional Design Technology Specialist
  • Felicia Kalker, POCR Buy-In Trainer
  • Adelle Roe, Online Education Coordinator
  • Dr. Tate Hurvitz, Dean of Learning and Technology Resources

POCR Reviewers

The following have completed POCR training and are certified to review Grossmont's courses:


Grossmont's Review Team

Dr. Elisabeth Burke
Religious Studies

Dr. Lara Braff

Dr. Jeanette Calo
Media Communications

Wendy Cruzado

Dave Dillon

Nadine Elia


Dr. Angela Feres

Carl Fielden


Dr. Sonia Ghattas-Soliman
World Languages

Dawn Heuft
Instructional Design

Dr. Noha Ireiqat
World Languages

Felicia Kalker
Library Instruction

Adelle Roe

Sarah Steglia

Dr. June Yang

Contact Us

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