Who is eligible to take the internship courses?
Students who are enrolled as declared Media Communications (MCOM) majors at Grossmont
College and have COMPLETED the appropriate pre-requisite course:
Students do NOT need to complete all three courses in order to enroll; however, the more experience in these areas you have, the more value you bring to potential internship providers.
If I am not an MCOM major but have secured an internship opportunity, may I participate
in the department's internship program?
Yes, but you will most likely need to be cleared to do so. To obtain Pre-Requisite
Clearance, click here and follow the instructions.
I am a media communications major at another college or university and have completed
courses similar to those that Grossmont requires. May I participate in the department's
internship program?
We strongly recommend that you work through your college or university's internship
program. However, you may be cleared to participate and enroll (see previous question).
Do I need to sign up for more than one course?
No. You only need to enroll in one of the following MCOM-151, MCOM-153 or MCOM-155.
Can I take the internship class more than once?
Yes, you may enroll up to three times, but each must be in a different section. For
example if you completed MCOM-153, you can only enroll in MCOM-151 or MCOM-155.
What is the difference between MCOM-151, MCOM-153 and MCOM-155?
The difference is the number of units and the field hours that you will be required
to complete during the semester. MCOM-151 is a one-unit internship that requires 54
hours of on-site field work. MCOM-153 is a two-unit internship that requires 108 hours
of on-site field work, while MCOM-155 is a three-unit internship that requires 162
hours. To earn an associate degree in MCOM, you need to complete three internship
units. Click here for more info about majors/course requirements.
When is the last day I can add the internship class?
We realize internships take time to secure. We recommend that you add the class prior
to or at the start of the semester. However, the instructor may add students to the
internship sections up to the second week of the semester. No one may add after the
fourth week.
Do I have to find my own internship?
Generally, yes. Many faculty members, including the internship coordinator, may have
suggestions, but it is up to you to find where you want to work and to be accepted
as an intern. Securing internship positions in these fields is as competitive as finding
other forms of employment; students are strongly urged to begin their search long
before the start of the semester.
Can I complete more than one internship to achieve my required hours?
Yes, you can complete more than one internship within the same semester in order to achieve your required hours. However, this can only be done with the approval of the internship coordinator.
What if I still have questions?
Please contact Dr. Breanne Ahearn, our internship coordinator, at breanne.ahearn@gcccd.edu with any additional inquiries about our internship courses.