5 units, 4 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Appropriate mathematics placement.
A one-semester course covering the basic principles of general, organic, and biochemistry as needed to understand the biochemistry, physiology, and pharmacology of the human body. This course is intended for students planning to transfer to a California State University nursing program. Students with a grade of "C" or higher in Chemistry 115 and 116 are not eligible for this class. (Offered Fall, Spring)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC
3 units, 3 hours lecture
A course in chemistry designed for the nonscience students who wishes to discover how chemistry is an intricate part of our everyday life. Emphasis will be placed on basic principles and practices, fundamental concepts, and modern implications of chemistry. Students will also become acquainted with environmental applications of topics covered, including the study of environmental issues such as ozone depletion, global warming, air and water pollution, and radioactivity. Demonstrations and hands-on in-class participation take the place of a laboratory. (Offered Fall, Spring)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC (credit limited, see course catalog)
4 units, 4 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Appropriate mathematics placement.
Elementary principles of inorganic and general chemistry with applications to the field of criminal justice. Students will learn basic chemical terminology, problem solving techniques, and chemical explanations of our environment. Emphasis will be placed on forensic applications of topics covered, including the study of physical evidence such as hair, fibers, glass fingerprints, and paint. Organic and inorganic techniques for analyzing evidence will be studied in lecture and practiced in lab. Previous chemistry background is helpful, but not required. This course is recommended for students needing a one semester general chemistry laboratory course. This course does not satisfy the prerequisite for Chemistry 141. Students will not receive credit for graduation for more than one of the following courses; Chemistry 113, Chemistry 115, and Chemistry 120. (Offered Fall, Spring)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC (limited credit see course catalog)
4 units, 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Appropriate mathematics placement.
Elementary principles of inorganic and general chemistry with an overview of organic and biochemistry. Basic chemical terminology, problem solving techniques and chemical explanations of our environment will be studied. Chemical concepts will be explained through common applications such as health science and forensic science. Previous chemistry background is helpful, but not required. This course is recommended for students needing a one semester general chemistry laboratory course. This course does not satisfy the prerequisite for Chemistry 141. Students will not receive credit for graduation for more than one of the following courses; Chemistry 113, Chemistry 115, and Chemistry 120. (Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC (limited credit see course catalog)
4 units, 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in Chemistry 115 or equivalent.
The study of carbon compounds with emphasis on their structure, properties, and reactivity. Introduction to the structure of the major classes of biomolecules - carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins - and their relationship to the major classes of organic compounds. (Offered Fall, Spring)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC (limited credit see course catalog)
3 units, 3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A ”C” grade or higher or “Pass” in Chemistry 116 or Chemistry 102 or
Chemistry 241 or equivalent.
This course is an introduction to the chemistry of biochemical reactions and biochemical
molecules. Topics include: acid/base chemistry, thermodynamics, cell biology, amino
acids and proteins, enzymes, lipids, membranes and transport, carbohydrates, metabolism,
nucleic acids, and information transfer. This course is designed for students majoring
in nutrition, allied health, nursing, and the chemical or life sciences. (Offered
Fall, Spring)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC (limited credit see course catalog)
4 units, 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Appropriate mathematics placement or intermediate algebra.
A beginning general chemistry course for students with little or no background in chemistry. This course will prepare students for a full year general chemistry course. This course will be an intensive study in the areas of problem solving, basic atomic theory, chemical nomenclature, stoichiometry, gas laws, solutions, acid-base chemistry, and redox. The laboratory will be an introduction to quantitative techniques, descriptive chemistry, gas laws, and data treatment. Students will not receive credit toward graduation for more than one of the following courses; Chemistry 113, Chemistry 115, and Chemistry 120. (Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC (limited credit see course catalog)
5 units, 3 hours lecture, 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in CHEM 120 or equivalent; OR the CHEM
141 assessment and intermediate algebra or appropriate mathematics placement.
Basic principles and calculations of chemistry with emphasis in stoichiometry, gas laws, kinetic-molecular theory, basic equilibrium including gas phase and solution phase, pH, atomic and molecular structure,chemical bonding, and applications of the First Law of Thermodynamics. The laboratory is an introduction to classical and instrumental analysis, the principles of equilibrium and atom and molecular structures. (Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC
5 units, 3 hours lecture, 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in Chemistry 141 or equivalent.
Basic principles and calculations of chemistry with emphasis on the areas of thermodynamics, kinetics, aqueous equilibrium, electrochemistry, coordination chemistry, nuclear chemistry, and an introduction to organic and biochemistry. The laboratory will demonstrate the concepts presented in the lecture and in addition will introduce qualitative analysis. (Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC
5 units, 3 hours lecture, 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in Chemistry 142 or equivalent.
First of a two semester organic chemistry sequence. The topics covered will include nomenclature of organic compounds, stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and the study of representative reactions for certain classes of organic compounds. The relationship of structure to properties, reactivity and mechanism or reaction will be emphasized. This course is intended for biology, chemistry and pre-medical majors needing either one or two semesters of organic chemistry. (Offered Fall, Spring)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC
5 units, 3 hours lecture, 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in Chemistry 232 or equivalent.
Second of a two semester sequence. The topics covered will include: structure and reactivity of carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines and other nitrogen functional groups, aromatic compounds, heterocylic compounds, polyfunctional compounds, conjugation and aromaticity, and multistep organic synthesis. (Offered Fall, Spring)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC
3 units, 3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in Chemistry 142 or equivalent.
First of a two semester organic chemistry sequence. The topics covered will include nomenclature of organic compounds, stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and the study of representative reactions for certain classes or organic compounds. The relationship of structure to properties, reactivity and mechanism or reaction will be emphasized. This course is intended for biology, chemistry and pre-medical majors needing either one or two semesters of organic chemistry. (Not currently being offered)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1
Transfers to: CSU, UC
2 units, 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A “C” or “Pass” grade or higher in Chemistry 142 or equivalent. A “C” or “Pass” grade or higher in Chemistry 241 or be concurrently enrolled.
First of a two semester organic chemistry laboratory sequence. The topics covered will include basic organic chemistry laboratory operations. Students will become familiar with organic structure and functional groups by performing organic reactions. These will include nucleophilic substitution, dehydration, and organic redox used to synthesize new compounds from starting materials. Students will become proficient at separation and purification techniques including TLC, column chromatography, recrystallizations and distillations. They will also utilize a variety of instrumentation including FTIR spectroscopy, gas chromatography, UV spectroscopy, and HPLC. They will also evaluate NMR data based on their experimental results. (Not currently being offered)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1
Transfers to: CSU, UC
3 units, 3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A “C” or “Pass” grade or higher in Chemistry 231 or Chemistry 241 and 241L or equivalent
Second of a two semester sequence. The topics covered will include: structure and reactivity of carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines and other nitrogen functional groups, aromatic compounds, heterocyclic compounds, polyfunctional compounds, conjugation and aromaticity, and multistep organic synthesis. (Not currently being offered)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1
Transfers to: CSU, UC
2 units, 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A “C” or “Pass” grade or higher in Chemistry 231 or Chemistry 241 and Chemistry 241L. A C or Pass grade or higher in Chemistry 242 or concurrent enrollment in Chemistry 242L.
Second of a two semester laboratory sequence. The topics covered will include: structure and reactivity of carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines and other nitrogen functional groups, aromatic compounds, heterocyclic compounds, polyfunctional compounds, conjugation and aromaticity, and multistep organic synthesis. This class is intended as a second semester organic chemistry laboratory for students needing additional laboratory expertise. (Not currently being offered)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU B1
Transfers to: CSU
3 units, 3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ENGL 120 or ESL 122 or equivalent.
This is a course on the methodology, history and philosophy of science for those who have a background in neither science nor philosophy. It emphasizes what scientists do and how they think by drawing on the history of physical and biological sciences. The concepts of scientific revolutions, scientific skepticism, experimental design, the ethical implications of scientific discovery, and the impact of the scientific enterprise on the world are covered. Pseudoscientific claims are investigated, with an eye toward critical thinking. The relationship between science and religion is discussed. Emphasis will be placed on communicating scientific information in written and verbal form. (Offered Fall, Spring, Summer)
Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College B2; CSU A3 or B1; IGETC 5A
Transfers to: CSU, UC