
The ASL degree is designed for students to acquire advanced expressive and receptive signing skills. It also gives students greater awareness of the Deaf culture and Deaf community. This degree is meant for the student who wants to work with Deaf people. Communicating in sign language and understanding Deafness is critical in any career where one works with Deaf and hard of hearing people. The emphasis is on paraprofessional vocations such as teacher’s aide, child care worker, etc. Students completing the ASL degree may wish to transfer to a four year institution or continue their studies in interpreting.


Certificate of Achievement

Any student who chooses to complete only the courses required for the above major qualifies for a certificate of Achievement in American Sign Language. An official request from the student must be filed with the Admissions and Records Office prior to the deadline stated in the yearly calendar which is listed in the class schedule and catalog. Note: All courses must be completed with a letter grade of “C” or higher.


Associate Degree Major Requirements

Note: All courses in the major must be completed with a letter grade of “C” or higher.

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† This course meets all Title 5 standards for Associate Degree Credit.


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ASL 120 American Sign Language I
ASL 121 American Sign Language II
ASL 130 American Sign Language: Fingerspelling
ASL 131 American Sign Language: Fingerspelling II
ASL 140 Inside Deaf Culture
ASL 220 American Sign Language III
ASL 221 American Sign Language IV
PSY 120 Introduction to Psychology