Welcome to Student Affairs!


The Student Affairs Office helps students become active members of the college community while providing an educational foundation of learning through doing. We support the work of the Associated Students of Grossmont College (ASGC), the Inter Club Council (ICC), and individual clubs by facilitating leadership development, activities planning, the purchasing process, supervising budgets, approving the use of facilities and the posting of announcements. We provide many opportunities for students to become leaders on campus through ongoing workshops and numerous special events throughout the year, including Week of Welcome, Club Fair and Commencement. Additionally, the Student Affairs Office leads, directs, and administers overall functions of Health Services, as well as enforcement of the Student Code of Conduct through the Student Disciplinary Policy and student complaints and grievances in compliance with procedures for conflict resolution.

Our Mission
The Student Affairs Office is committed to providing a comprehensive, student-oriented environment that facilitates learning and student development, academic and personal achievement.

Dedicated to keeping students informed while seeking their opinions and providing a range of student services.
Facilitate communication and understanding of perspectives among faculty, staff, students, and the community, within the framework of a multi-college district.
Promote student involvement in campus life programs and activities to complement student educational experiences at Grossmont College.

Hours of Operation

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm 

Griffin Center - Building 60, Room 204 (619) 644-7600 


College & District Offices will be CLOSED the following dates:

Martin Luther King Day - January 20, 2025

Lincoln Day - February 14, 2025

Washington Day - February 17, 2025

Spring Recess Holiday - April 4, 2025

Memorial Day - May 26, 2025

Student Prevention Training & Education: Sexual Harassment/Assault Prevention and Awareness

Using your web browser, go to the Vector LMS, Higher Education Student Edition website for Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District: https://gcccdstudents-ca.vectorlmsedu.com/login 


Click on the link below to take the pledge:

its on us   

 Emails & Texts from Maxient  maxient logo
The Office of Student Affairs at Grossmont College utilizes a third-party email software called Maxient. It is a secure, web-based application that manages communication from our office, including meeting requests and follow-ups involving conduct and non-conduct issues. 

Students receiving an email from Maxient will see a link to the correspondence sent from Grossmont College. 

Within the email’s text, students will be given a link to a log-in screen, by which they can access the correspondence letter or notice our office has sent. 

Maxient also allows Grossmont College to send text messages to students if their cell phone number is on file. This means that our office can send individual texts to students with a link to the communication sent via Maxient. 

If you receive an email or text from Maxient, this is a legitimate email from the college, and not part of a phishing scam.  Questions? Email grossmont.studentaffairs@gcccd.edu or call 619-644-7600.

The ASGC strives to represent the interest and concerns of all Grossmont College students through improving campus life, promoting awareness of issues affecting students, and providing support that strengthens partnerships within the campus and community.


Want to join or learn more? Click here: ASGC

iccICC  monitors the activities of all student organizations and provides an atmosphere where leaders can join other leaders in gaining new and helpful information.


Find out more about ICC here: Inter-Club Council


The purpose of the Reflection Room is to provide a non-denominational, serene, and peaceful environment on campus where students can take a break, meditate, de-stress, contemplate, and reflect on their thoughts and emotions.


To find out more about the Reflection room here: Reflection Room 

Our healthcare professionals and support staff evaluate and care for the health needs of all Grossmont College students. We strive to provide quality health care and promote the importance of health and wellness to the Grossmont College community.  Grossmont College Student Health Services' priority is to ensure your academic success.


To  learn more or to make an appointment with a counselor, talk to a nurse, or to report a diagnosis, exposure or isolation due to COVID-19 please visit: Student Health & Wellness



Gizmo’s Kitchen is a ‘grab and go’ student food pantry that supports students by providing pre-packaged items suitable for an on-campus lunch or meal. Student toiletries items are also available.


To learn more please visit: Gizmo's Kitchen

Referrals and resource information: College & Community Resources

Returning to Campus: COVID-19 Resources


Related Resources

Student Code of Conduct