Career Center - Employment
Let us help you choose a major, make career decisions, develop an educational plan and more...
Request ServicesLet us help you choose a major, make career decisions, develop an educational plan and more...
Request Services
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Building 60-140
Request Services
Employment resources are available to current college students and alumni.
The Grossmont College Student Employment Services office is maintained as a service and courtesy to students. In addition, it acts as a service and linkage to business and industrial establishments assisting their personnel needs. To achieve these goals, enrolled and alumni Grossmont-Cuyamaca students who use the Student Employment Services Office must observe the following policies and procedures:
Students referred to employers are to notify the Student Employment Services Office upon employment by phone or in person.
Applicants must be enrolled in the current semester, or have Grossmont or Cuyamaca
College transcript on file in the Admissions Office (Alumni). No other applications
will be accepted.
An Application Form must be completed before receiving a Job Referral Card. PLEASE PRINT! Be accurate, complete and specify job desired and job number.
All Applicants must be ready to show Student Employment Services personnel sources
for legal status or authorization to work documents. (Senate Bill #733).
Applicants should be honest and sincere in making statements to Employers and the
Student Employment Services Office. Obtaining employment under false pretenses would
endanger the reputation of both the student and the college.
The conduct and attitude of all applicants should reflect an awareness that they are
representatives of all Grossmont College student applicants.
All current openings are posted on the Job Board and updated daily.
For information regarding employment opportunities (not listed on the Job Board) in the San Diego area and elsewhere in California, please ask for assistance.
Questions: 619-644-7611
The Student Employment Services Office offers on-campus and off-campus job opportunities on the Internet for Grossmont and Cuyamaca College students and alumni. Services are free! Students can post a resume and have access to jobs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Website: Handshake
Create an Account
Topic: How to create a Handshake account
Length: 3:59
The Grossmont Job Connect is a free on-line job board used to post openings and review student and alumni resumes. Hourly wages or annual salaries for all job opportunities should be provided and must meet California minimum wage requirements per hour or higher.
Post Positions
If you do not wish to use the on-line job board to post positions, you may contact us directly at: (619) 644-7612
Grossmont College makes no representation or guarantees for positions listed with the Student Employment Services Office. Grossmont is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of off-campus employment. It is the responsibility of students to research the integrity of the organization to which they are applying. Students are advised to use caution and common sense applying for any position with an organization or private party.
Work-Based Learning allows students to apply classroom content in professional settings while gaining real-world experience. It exists on a continuum that reflects the progress of experiences from awareness-building to training.
Get in touch with a Work-Based Learning Specialist today!
Contact us to schedule an appointment: 619-644-7614
Engage with Students at Grossmont College
Employers have the opportunity to connect with our student population by reserving a table on Grossmont College’s campus. To get started, please fill out the form below. For job fairs, please note that table requests are exclusively handled through Handshake.
Employer Spotlight: Request Form