Basic Needs

Grossmont College is committed to providing an educational environment that fosters compassion and respect, welcomes diversity and supports students in various circumstances (including students experiencing housing and food insecurities).  To accomplish this, the college has created support programs and resources that assist our students in meeting their basic needs and promoting their academic success.



Basic Needs Logo






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Susan Berry - Student Engagement Coordinator








The following are some of the services our team facilitates:
(Links to these services can be found in 'Resources')


Checkmark icon Child Care
Checkmark icon Food & Housing - Cal-Fresh Application Help
Checkmark icon Health Services
Checkmark icon Mental Health Counseling
Checkmark icon Campus Showering Facilities
Checkmark icon Transportation & Parking Passes
Checkmark icon Textbooks & Technology
Checkmark icon Help applying for these resources & more


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Staff Advocates

Staff advocates are employees who have been designated as the initial points of contact for homeless youth. The goal of our Advocates is to ensure that homeless youth receive appropriate services and guidance to support their success in college.


Staff Advocates are responsible for understanding the provisions of the Higher Education Act pertaining to Financial Aid eligibility of current and prospective students, including unaccompanied homeless youth. They also identify and inform students of available and appropriate services (campus and community), including student Financial Aid and other assistance programs. 


Your Staff Advocates are:  


Email icon Susan Berry
Homeless Liaison
Phone icon 619-644-7236

Find Us


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60-206 - Griffin Center

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Monday: 10:00am- 3:00pm

Tuesday - Thursday: 10:00am -4:00pm




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