Grossmont College offers college credit courses and supplemental non-degree applicable credit courses designed to support students with disabilities.


Adapted Exercise Science (ES) courses are college credit classes intended for students with verified disabilities. Personal Development Success Services (PDSS) courses are supplemental non-degree applicable credit classes offered to both students with and without disabilities.

Adapted Exercise Science (ES)

These classes are offered by the Exercise Science Department. 

ES 001: Adapted Physical Exercise (1 unit)

ES 001 is designed to develop various components of physical fitness for students with verified disabilities. Students will receive a physical assessment, appropriate exercise equipment, and a personalized exercise program. Students will also learn the fundamental principles of physical fitness and their impact on life-long health and wellness.

ES 002: Advanced Adapted Physical Exercise (1 unit)

ES 002 is an advanced physical exercise course designed for students with verified disabilities. Emphasis is placed on muscular fitness through resistance exercises. Students will receive a physical assessment, appropriate exercise equipment, and a personalized exercise program. Students will also learn the fundamental principles of physical fitness and their impact on life-long health and wellness.

Personal Development Success Services (PDSS)

These classes provide supplemental instruction to academic credit courses and compensatory strategies to enhance opportunities for academic success. 

PDSS 095 Study Skills for Students with Disabilities (1 unit) 
Students who are neurodiverse and/or have communicative, cognitive, intellectual, physical, visual, hearing, or mental health disabilities will receive instruction and practical experience in time management, study reading, note-taking, studying for tests, and test-taking. The course emphasizes the development of compensatory strategies that enhance students' opportunities for academic success. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only. (Nondegree credit course)
PDSS 097 Basic Writing for students with Disabilities (2 units)
This course provides instruction in basic written language skills and knowledge to improve grammar, mechanics, usage, and composing skills for students with disabilities. Students will write narrative and expository paragraphs, focusing on the application of grammatical and mechanical rules and concepts in the context of writing. This course is offered on a Pass/ No Pass basis only. (Nondegree credit course)
PDSS 098 Writing Fundamentals for students with Disabilities (2 units)
This course provides instruction in fundamental written language skills and knowledge designed to improve grammar, mechanics, usage, and composing skills for students who are neurodiverse and/or have communicative, cognitive, intellectual, physical, visual, hearing, or mental health disabilities. Students will write narrative and expository paragraphs as well as expository essays, focusing on the application of grammatical and mechanical rules and concepts in the context of writing. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only. (Nondegree credit course)