assessment cycleOutcomes Assessment

What is Assessment?

Student learning outcomes assessment is a process in which members of the higher education community identify what students should be able to do by the end of an educational unit and determine the degree to which they meet these goals. It also requires us to consider how to use the information systematically gathered on student performance to improve the teaching/learning process. (AALHE)


The success of students, instructional units, and the institution as a whole depend upon continuous improvement of student learning. Assessment is a purposeful, systematic, and collaborative process for documenting what students have learned and how their knowledge and skills have grown. It is a deliberate course of action that defines expected student achievement in terms of learning outcomes, and measures actual student achievement using predetermined internal standards and external benchmarks. (Community College of Baltimore County)


Outcomes assessment is a collaborative process of inquiry regarding student learning outcomes, followed by analysis, reflection, and action. The goal of outcomes assessment is to improve student learning and improve instructional programs. Outcomes assessment is not individual student, faculty, course, or program evaluation. Student learning outcomes are statements of what students know or can do upon successful completion of a course or program. (Clark College)


Outcomes are developed and assessed for the following areas:
  • Instructional Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for courses (credit and noncredit); instructional programs (certificates and majors) (PSLOs)
  • General Education Learning Outcomes
  • Institutional Learning Outcomes (for all Grossmont students)
  • Student Service Outcomes (for all services provided to students, such as transcript procurement, registration, and financial aid)
  • Administrative Service Outcomes


Making SLO Changes?

If you need to make changes to existing SLOs (by adding, modifying, or deleting) and are making no other changes to the course outline, please use the SLO Change form.


If you are changing elements of a course outline as well as the SLOs, please go to the Curriculum web page or use the Course Modification form.




Current Accreditation Standards
  • Standard I.B.(6) "The institution disaggregates and analyzes learning outcomes and achievement for subpopulations of students."
  • Standard I.B.(7) "The institution regularly evaluates its policies and practices across all areas of the institution."
  • Standard II.C.(2) "The institution uses assessment data to continuously improve student support programs and services."