Resources for the College Community about Accreditation


Policies and Procedures of the ACCJC

The Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) provides numerous resources on their web site, Information about the Commission itself and their operational policies and procedures are found under the "About" and "Accrediting Commission" tabs while information primarily for colleges is found under the "Resources" tab. These resources include further information about the best practices the ACCJC asks us to use as well as information about preparing reports, the standards themselves, and training for Governing Boards, ALO, and visiting team members. 


The three most important documents from the ACCJC web site are provided here for your convenience. The list of practices that the college must demonstrate that we do is called the Standards.

The two most useful publications while writing the ISER are the Manual for Institutional Self-Evaluation and the Guide to Evaluating and Improving Institutions.  

The Commission reports on its actions on institutions, policies and substantive changes after each meeting.  These can be found on the Commission Actions page.  


Information on Accreditation at the National Level

The ACCJC is itself accredited by the Council for Higher Education Association (CHEA). The CHEA web site ( has a broad range of information and resources about accreditation.  


Articles and Papers

Curious about serving on a peer review team for another college?  The ACCJC needs more faculty to volunteer! Here is an explanation of why that is valuable to do and one faculty's experience: Building a New Road: Faculty Participation on Peer Review Teams for Accreditation published in the ASCCC Rostrum April 2018.