Phone: x7313
Office: 34-162 (in the back)
Office Hours: M-Th 8:15-9:15am
We will cover a wide variety of subjects in optics and modern physics such as: ray and wave models of light, quantum mechanics, special relativity and particle physics. The material will be covered in semi-chronological order to help you appreciate how discoveries in one topic led to a deeper understanding or creation of the next topic.
We will delve into the core concepts and problem solving techniques for thermodynamics & electro-magnetism. Experts do not merely understand concepts; they find patterns and can “organize these concepts in a way that reflects a deep understanding of their subject matter”. Therefore, we will investigate the relationships between thermodynamics, electric fields, and magnetic fields. The main topics are:
This is a transfer course and must therefore be taught with the same rigor and intensity as a course taught at that level at a four-year university. You’ll thank me when you get there.
I am excited to bring you a course that will not only delve into the core concepts and problem solving techniques for electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics but will also help develop useful science communication skills. Merely learning the concepts will not be enough to master the subject. Experts do more than understand the concepts; they find patterns and can “organize these concepts in a way that reflects a deep understanding of their subject matter”. Therefore, we will investigate the relationships between electric fields, magnetic fields, and light and develop our communication skills via in-class discussions and group work. Also it will be fun!
MATLAB is an important and useful tool used by scientists and engineers everywhere. We will learn how to use this software to do some basic programming and to manipulate and visualize data.
I am excited to bring you a course that will provide an overview of all of physics science which include Physics, Chemistry, and Astronomy. This is an introduction to scientific methodology and is especially designed for students who are interested in teaching science in primary school and will help you understand the scientific method .
The course articulates with SDSU as NAT SCI 100. It also fulfills a science requirement for the Liberal Studies major at Grossmont College.
Ph.D. Physics – 2009, City University New York, New York, NY,
THESIS: Impact of Context on Learning and Epistemology in Physics,
M.Sc. Physics – 1998, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
THESIS: Secondary Electron Emission Properties of Thin Films
of Molybdenum Disulfide
B.Sc. Physics – 1996, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
THESIS: Can you survive four years eating ground beef alone?