Handout Packet Corrections If you are using the 8th edition, then make these changes in your Handout Packet.
Windows .exe Versions (These are the recommended versions but, because they are executable files, they will probably prompt security alerts when you try to run them. I promise these are
safe and virus/malware free!)
Sea Floor Sediments - SeaFloorSediments.exe
Atmospheric Circulation - part 1 - AC1.exe
Atmospheric Circulation - part 2 - AC2.exe
Shockwave Versions (These are your only option if you can't run the executable versions. They open in
a browser and can potentially run on either Windows or Mac operating systems. Apple
has recently discontinued support for Shockwave, so Mac users will likely need to
find a PC to run these now. In either case, to run these you must use FIREFOX and have or install Shockwave first.)
Sea Floor Sediments - SeaFloorSediments.htm
Atmospheric Circulation - part 1 - AC1.htm
Atmospheric Circulation - part 2 - AC2.htm
If you cannot get the above exercises to work on your computer then you can try this link OCEA 112 PC Exercises.exe to install an older version of the OCEA 112 computer exercises to a PC. You may install them on your home computer or on a school computer. You must use all the default options with the install program. That will put these programs in the "C:\Windows" directory. If Windows is not a root directory on the C drive, then these programs will not run. Bear in mind that these are PC applications that will not run on a Mac. Also if you install them on a school PC they will not stay on that computer's hard drive indefinitely. You may very well have to reinstall to use them at a later time.
Sea Floor Features
Here's the handout for the self-guided field trip to the Stephen Birch Aquarium: Birch Aquarium You can buy tickets in advance for $12.00 here: https://www.birchaquariumprograms.com/mainstore.asp?cid=1226
Here's a link to a good plate map to use for the plate map exercise. PLATE MAP
And here's a really good PLATE MAP.
Why are the waves at Black's Beach bigger than most other San Diego beaches? Check
out this fascinating animation: Wave Model
Here's a cool MPEG of some video I shot showing wave reflection interference at the "Wedge" in Newport Beach, Ca. Be forewarned, it's a huge 24 MB file. WEDGE WAVE REFLECTION