Ocean Sediments
Topic outline:
- Classification of Sediments
- Source
- Terrigenous
- Biogenous
- Hydrogenous
- Cosmogenous
- Distribution of Marine Sediments
- Neritic – near shore
- Pelagic – deep ocean
- Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD)
Fun places to visit:
Marine sediments: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gmead/ocbasins/marseds.htm
Another sediment site: http://www-class.unl.edu/geol109/sediment.htm
When you are finished with this topic, you should be able to answer these questions:
- What is the calcium carbonate compensation depth?
- What sediment type is greatest in volume and quantity?
- What sediment type is most widespread in distribution?
- Why is calcium carbonate ooze absent from the deep sea floor?