Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks
Terms to learn:
metamorphism protolith differential stress
metamorphic grade foliation slate
schist gneiss contact
regional metamorphism blueschist
Topic outline:
- Metamorphism
- Factors controlling metamorphism
- Composition of protolith (parent rock)
- Heat (temperature)
- Pressure
- Types of pressure
- confining pressure (lithostatic)
- differential stress – compressive (flattening effect) or shearing
- Fluids - metasomatism
- Textural and mineralogical changes
- metamorphic grade
- Foliation
- progressive metamorphism
- Metamorphic rocks
- non-foliated
- foliated
- Plate tectonic occurrence
- Contact (thermal)
- Regional (dynamothermal)
- Blueschist metamorphism
Interesting places to visit:
General info:
When you are finished with this topic, you should be able to answer these questions:
- What are the major agents of metamorphism and what role do they play?
- What information does foliation provide about the conditions of formation of the rock?
- What P-T paths do each of the types of metamorphism follow (i.e. contact, regional,
and blueschist)?