Math 284

Linear Algebra

Instructor: Cary Lee, Ph.D. 
Office: Techmall 70-211
Telephone: 644 -7894
Office Hours: Mon, Wed  12:30 - 1:30pm, 
                    T,Th  12:30 - 2pm


Linear Algebra    Roughly speaking, linear algebra is the study of an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with a notation of "linear combination" of its elements, and more of  a "linear transformation" between two such structures. In particular, an equation is called linear if it is of degree one, and for a linear equation with only one variable, its graph is a line, hence the term "linear".

This subject is useful because it is suited for dealing with a large percentage of real world problems that are either linear or regarded as almost linear. We shall see some concrete examples in the first few chapters and then move on to the more abstract objects and concepts in this field.


Linear Algebra
 a Modern Introduction

third edition
David Poole

ISBN 13: 978-0-538-73545-2

Linear Algebra  a Modern Introduction  third edition David Poole


PowerPoint Lecture Notes

Linear Transformations



Course Prerequisite:    
The basic requirement is a grade C or better in Math 280, but the successful completion of Math 245 will be recommended.

Calculator requirement: You will need a calculator or computer software that can perform moderate to advanced matrix operations to survive in this class. The reason is that most homework and exam questions will require large amount of calculations which cannot be performed by hand in the given time period.
The TI82, 83, 86, 92 or more advanced version will work. You will get better results if you have access to the softwares Maple, Derive, or Mathematica etc. (These should be available in our Math Study Center, please go there and ask.)

Grades:    This course is offered for a grade of A, B, C, D, or F. The grade distribution is as follows:

A ......... 90 - 100%
B ......... 80 - 89%
C ......... 70 - 79%
D ......... 60 - 69%
F ......... 00 - 59%



5 short quizzes @25 pts   125
2 one-hour exams @100 pts 200
Final Exam        150
Total 475

Homework will be assigned at the end of each class meeting, and if you are eager to do the exercises in advance, you can get the assignment from the next webpage (see top of page).

Expectation of Students:

  1. Attend all classes and take notes.
  2. Read the text book before and after each lecture. There is so much material to be covered in this course that it is impossible for the lecturer to include all the details in class.
  3. Work out the details and fill in the steps at home for the examples discussed in class. You cannot expect to understand everything instantly during lecture hours because the lectures will be conducted in a pace much faster than you have ever encountered. You can only expect to grasp the main ideas first, and then slowly digest the material through reading, thinking, and practicing later at home.
  4. Form study groups with fellow students, work together in the library or outside school. This is the best way to learn and check your understanding.
  5. Do all assigned homework problems on a daily basis. Work out the details and aim for perfection.


Academic Integrity:

Any student who cheats on any of the tests, or disrupts the class or hinders the progress of any other student will be dropped from the class, and his/her misconduct will be stored in Grossmont College's record.