Math 125


Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I

Instructor: Cary Lee, Ph.D.  
Office: 70-211 (inside Tech Mall, click here for location )
Telephone: 619 - 644 -7894
Office Hours: M, T, W, Th  11:00am - 12:00n


Required materials:
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers - a contemporary approach  Gary L. Musser & William F. Burger, 9th edition
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers - a contemporary approach
Gary L. Musser & William F. Burger, 9th or 10th edition

Students Solution Manual.

A simple calculator, color pencils or crayons.


Link to eManipulative site:


Course Prerequisites:  Grades of  C or above in the courses MA090, MA097, and
                                      MA103 or equivalent.


Course Content: This course mainly covers the material required for teaching algebra from grade K through 8. Topics include concept of numbers and counting, numeration systems, operations of whole numbers ; definition, ordering, and the four operations of fractions; integers and their operations; elementary number theory: factors, multiples, prime numbers, GCD and LCM. Decimals, ratios, proportions, and percents.


Grades:   The possible grades in this course are A, B, C, D, or F. The cutoffs are as follows,


A .......... 90 - 100%
B .......... 80 - 89%
C .......... 70 - 79%
D .......... 60 - 69%
F .......... < 60%

Note: You need to have at least 60% in the final exam to pass this class.

Grades are assigned on an absolute scale, and your work will not be graded on a curve. You get what you earn, and other people's performances have no effect on your grade. No extra credit.   

Partial credit is at the discretion of the instructor, and it is not negotiable.


Assignments & Exams:               

one 30-min preliminary exam   50
Homework 100
2 one-hour exams @ 100 points                  200
6 quizzes @ 60 points   60
10 labs @10 points 100
Final Exam 200
Total  710


  • All quizzes are open book/notes. Exams are closed book and closed notes.
  • There will actually be 9 quizzes but the lowest three will be dropped hence no make-up quiz.
  • Use pencils (including color pencils) on homework and other assignments.
  • Keep your work legible and neat.
  • Messy and/or illegible work will not be accepted.                    


Class Policies:  

  1. No private conversation during lectures. If you have a relevant question, please raise your hand and ask the instructor. You have plenty of time to exchange ideas with your classmates during lab hours.
  2. If you need to leave class early, please inform your instructor as early as you can.
  3. Turn off all cell phones and pagers (or change them to vibration mode) during lectures. Absolutely no telephone conversation in class. 
  4. In the event that you are not able to take an exam at the scheduled time, inform your instructor as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after the beginning of the exam.  
  5. Late assignments will be penalized by 2 pts per class day.
  6. Instructor reserves the right not to give partial credits.
  7. No whining.


Expectation of Students:

  1. Come to class with a positive attitude and be ready to learn. Elementary School curriculum nowadays is much more advanced than those in the past.

  2. Read the textbook and handouts regularly. This course covers a large amount of materials that cannot be all presented in lectures in detail.

  3. Attend all lectures. You will be automatically dropped from the roster if you have more than three (3) absences unless you have a permission (to stay) from your instructor.

  4. Spend at least 2 hours after each lecture to read textbook, do homework, and/or organize lecture notes.

  5. Actively participate in lectures and particularly in labs. Share your opinion with your group members and be open to different ideas.

  6. Try to collaborate with other students outside the classroom, form study groups if possible.

  7. Communicate with the instructor as often as possible either after lecture or during office hours, or through e-mail and phone. Check the web page announcement before every exam.

  8. If you expect return calls to your phone message, please say your phone number clearly and slowly.

Math 125 Student Learning Outcomes                                          

  • The student will be able to use various problem solving strategies.
  • The student will be able to develop their number sense by demonstrating competence in using different numeration systems.
  • A student will be able to analyze and contrast the basic operations of the real number system.
  • A student will be able to demonstrate proportional reasoning when working with the rational numbers.


Special accommodations

Students with disabilities who may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) early in the semester so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. Students may contact DSPS in person in Room 110 or by telephone at (619) 644-7112 or  (619) 644-7119 (TTY for deaf).


Supervised Tutoring Referral

  1. Students requiring additional help or resources to achieve the stated learning objectives of the courses taken in a Mathematics course are referred to enroll in Math 198, Supervised Tutoring.  The department will provide Add Codes.
  1. Students are referred to enroll in the following supervised tutoring courses if the service indicated will assist them in achieving or reinforcing the learning objectives of this course:
  • IDS 198, Supervised Tutoring to receive tutoring in general computer applications in the Tech Mall;
  • English 198W, Supervised Tutoring for assistance in the English Writing Center (70-119); and/or
  • IDS 198T, Supervised Tutoring to receive one-on-one tutoring in academic subjects in the Tutoring Center (70-229).

To add any of these courses, students may obtain Add Codes at the Information/Registration Desk in the Tech Mall.

  1. All Supervised Tutoring courses are non-credit/non-fee. However, when a student registers for a supervised tutoring course, and has no other classes,  the student  will be charged the usual health fee.



Academic Integrity:  

Cheating and plagiarism (using as one's own ideas writings, materials, or images of someone else without acknowledgement or permission) can result in any one of a variety of sanctions. Such penalties may range from an adjusted grade on the particular exam, paper, project, or assignment (all of which may lead to a failing grade in the course) to, under certain conditions, suspension or expulsion from a class, program or the college.  For further clarification and information on these issues, please consult with your instructor or contact the office of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.


Daily schedule: Click on the appropriate section number on top of this page to get the schedule for your section.