Like the coronavirus, crime is ever-present, and the county’s top prosecutor wants to alert the public about new risks arising in the era of COVID-19.


Grossmont College’s Outreach Office is partnering with the District Attorney’s office for a free virtual Information and Community Resource Night 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday, June 30, accessible via Zoom videoconferencing. 


According to the District Attorney’s office, reports of internet crime against juveniles, such as the sharing of illicit photos of minors, have tripled since the pandemic started. The information night is an opportunity to get the latest on crime, as well as educational resources available at Grossmont College. The college’s outreach office will offer application assistance in English, Spanish, and Arabic during the event.


Attendees will be introduced to Grossmont College, its resources, and academic opportunities. There will be a presentation geared toward first-time students and adult learners who want to learn about the college and career opportunities.


The District Attorney’s office will be providing information and community resources that have been created during COVID-19 pertaining to domestic violence, hate crime, price gouging, and ways for families to protect children from online human trafficking. Register at to receive ZOOM links.


 Grossmont College President Nabil Abu-Ghazaleh and District Attorney Summer Stephan will provide a welcoming address.


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