Graduate Sooner
Grossmont College's short-term classes allow students to complete a whole class in half the time. Accelerated 8-week sessions start twice a semester.
Search ClassesGrossmont College's short-term classes allow students to complete a whole class in half the time. Accelerated 8-week sessions start twice a semester.
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Graduate Sooner
Fall 2023 - Accelerated Short-term, Class Schedule
First 8-Weeks
Aug 21 - Oct 14
First 8-Weeks
Course Section Title Modality Info ASL-120 9628 American Sign Language I 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to both UC/CSU9873 Inside Deaf Culture 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to both UC/CSUBOT-101A 1025 Keyboard/Document Processing I 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 100 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Transfers to CSU
BOT-103A 2403 Building Keyboarding Skill I 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 100 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
BOT-110 5834 BUS English & Communication 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
BOT-123 0296 Comprehensive Excel I 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 100 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
0921 Comprehensive PowerPoint I 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 101A & BOT 101B & BOT 114 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
BUS-118 5739 Retail Management 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
BUS-141 7564 Entrepreneurshp: Manage New Bus 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
BUS-142 9271 Eff Sales-Skills Prsnl 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
BUS-250 7566 Intro International Business Lecture 55-523
Online 51% Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
BUS-259 2685 Intro-Global Trade Operations 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
CA-163 3119 Food Purchasing/Culinary Arts 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
CA-165 3121 Sanitation for Food Service 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
0750 Princip/Baking & Pastry Making Lecture 60-170
Online 51%Corequisite: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" or concurrent enrollment in CA 165. - Must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course.
Material Fee: $50.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
CA-183 7571 Pastry Skills in Bread Baking Lecture 60-170
Online 51%Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in CA 165 & 174 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Material Fee: $50.00Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
CD-131 5264 Child, Family & Community 100% Online Recommended Preparation: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in Child Development 123 & 125 or equivalent. - Recommended to be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to both UC/CSU
COMM-120 5475 Interpersonal Communication 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to both UC/CSU
5766 Comm Studies:health & Wellness 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass, Audit
Transfers to CSU
8591 Career Decision Making Bldg 53-541 ZTC
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
COUN-130 2334 Study Skills & Time Management Bldg 54-500 Take 2 of the following: ETHN-114-2542, SOC-114-2544, ENGL-120-5868 - Must be taken at the same time as this course.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
6338 Study Skills & Time Management 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
CSIS-070 1056 Drone Flight School WSFL Prerequisite: Students must be at least 18 years or older & must meet eligibility requirements under FAA 107 guidelines. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Not transferable
CSIS-250 8047 Intro to Python 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in CSIS 119 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
3032 College Composition & Reading 100% Online Prerequisite: Appropriate placement in ENGL 120. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUES-023A 2521 Beginning Resistance Training Bldg 41-100 Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUES-023B 2524 Intermediate Resistance Train Bldg 41-100 Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ES 023A or equivalent or specified skill competencies. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUES-023C 2525 Advanced Resistance Training Bldg 41-100 Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ES 023B or equivalent or specified skill competencies. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUES-061A 2519 Beginning Pickleball Tennis Courts Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
HED-201 5288 Introduction to Public Health 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
HIST-100 5786 Early World History 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
HIST-105 2680 Early Western Civilization 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
HIST-108 1041 Early American History Bldg 51-577 Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
5359 Early American History 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
HIST-135 1933 Ancient Hist West Civilization 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
LIR-110 0546 Research Methods Online World Bldg 70- 267
51% Online
Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ENGL 120 or ESL 122 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
ZTCTransfers to CSU
NURS-130 3702 Medical - Surgical Nursing I Bldg 34-251
Prerequisite: Admission to the Registered Nursing Program. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU3704 Obstetric & Pediatric Nursing Bldg 34-204
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in NURS 120 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSUNURS-220 3718 Medical-Surgical Nursing II Bldg 34-250
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in NURS 130 & 132 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Material Fee: $64.00Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSUPHIL-110 5827 A General Intro to Philosophy 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUPHIL-125 3886 Critical Thinking 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU9535 Problems in Ethics 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU0916 Introduction to Photography Bldg 20-116
50% Online
ZTCMaterial Fee: $35.00Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUPHOT-151 9184 Personal Photographic Vision Bldg 20-116
50% Online
ZTCMaterial Fee: $35.00Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUPOSC-130 7841 Intro International Relations 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUPSY-205 2485 Research Method for Psychology Bldg 53- 547
51+% Online
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in PSY 120 & PSY 215 or ANTH 215 or SOC 215 or MATH 160 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSURELG-170 2026 Introduction to Christianity 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-101 2974 Intro to Narrative Theory 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU7869 Introduction to the Theatre 100% Online Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU4467 Rehearsal/Perform: Acting I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU4468 Rehearsal/Perform: Acting II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 111A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU2640 Rehersal/Perform: Acting III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 111B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-111D 2642 Rehersal/Perform: Acting IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 111C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU4471 Rehears/Perform: Stage Mgmt I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-112B 4472 Rehears/Perform:Stage Mgmt II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 112A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-112C 2645 Rehears/Perform:Stage Mgt III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 112B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU2646 Rehears/Perform:Stage Mgmt IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 112C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-113A 4475 Rehears/Perform: Prod Crew I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-113B 4476 Rehears/Perform: Prod Crew II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 113A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-122C 3827 Thtr Workshop Lab: Acting III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 122B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-122D 3828 Theatr Workshop Lab: Acting IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 122C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-123A 3829 Thtr Workshop Lab: Construct I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-123B 3830 Thtr Workshp Lab: Construct II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 123A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU3831 Thtr Workshp Lab: Construc III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 123B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-123D 3833 Thtr Workshp Lab: Construct IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 123C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-124A 3834 Thtr Workshop Lab: Prod Crew I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUTHTR-124B 3845 Thtr Workshp Lab: Prod Crew II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 124A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU3846 Thtr Wrkshp Lab: Prod Crew III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 124B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU3847 Thtr Wrkshop Lab: Prod Crew IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 124C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSUSearch for Classes | Enrollment Help
Second 8-Weeks
Oct 16 - Dec 16
Second 8-Weeks
Course Section Title Modality Info ANTH-215 9104 Statistics/Behavioral Sciences 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in MATH 103 or MATH 110 or equivalent or appropriate placement beyond intermediate algebra. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
AOJ-110 2707 Intro to Admin of Justice 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
9296 Intro to Security Management 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
ANTH-1302916 Intro to Biological Anthropology 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU & CSU
ANTH-1302917 Intro to Biological Anthropology 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU & CSU
ANTH-130 2918 Intro to Biological Anthropology Lecture
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU & CSU
ANTH-131 2919 Biological Anthropology Lab Lab
100-120AMW: 5:30 - 8:35 pm
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU & CSU
ART-100 5270 Art Appreciation 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
5271 Art Appreciation 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
ART-143 0789 Modern Art 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
ART-171 2852 Introduction to Digital Art 100% Online Materials Fee: $25.00
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
9262 American Sign Language I 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
2033 American Sign Language II 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ASL 120 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
ASL-140 9689 Inside Deaf Culture 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
7567 Descriptive Astronomy 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
BIO-099 2120 Prep for Allied Health Classes Bldg 30-154 Pass/No PassNot transferableBOT-101B 1026 Keyboard/Document Processng II 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 101A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUBOT-103B 8116 Building Keyboarding Skill II 100% Online Recommended Preparation: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 103A or equivalent. - Recommended to be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course, but is not required.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUBOT-106 4837 Effective Job Search 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2422 Office Systems & Procedures 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2420 Essential Word 100% Online
Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 101A & BOT 101B or equivalent or concurrent enrollment. - Recommended to be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course, but is not required.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2067 Essential Excel Bldg 70-134 Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 100 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2423 Essential Excel 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 100 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2522 Essential Excel HyFlex
Bldg 70- 134OR
Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 100 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUBOT-116 2509 Essential Access 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 100 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2510 Essential PowerPoint 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU0922 Comprehensive PowerPoint II 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 129 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUBOT-172 5851 Intro Microcomp Applications 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 119 & BOT 100 or BOT 101A. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUBUS-115 8046 Human Relations in Business 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUBUS-121 2076 Managerial Accounting 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BUS 120 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUBUS-140 9270 Entrepreneurship: Dev Bus Plan 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2773 Marketing 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2287 Consumer Behavior 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUBUS-156 0923 Principles of Management Bldg 55- 528
51+% OnlineGraded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2688 Global Trade Ops, Logistics 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUCA-166 3122 Menu Management 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU3126 Intermediate Culinary Skills Bldg 60-173
<50% Online
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in Culinary Arts 165 & 169 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course
Material Fee: $50.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUCA-171 5824 Intermediate Culinary Skills Bldg 60-173
<50% Online
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in Culinary Arts 165 & 169 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course
Material Fee: $50.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUCA-174 3129 Princip/Baking & Pastry Making Bldg 60-170
<50% Online
Corequisite: A "C" grade or higher or "Pass" or concurrent enrollment in CA 165. - Must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course.Material Fee: $50.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUCA-184 7570 Pastry Skills/Chocolate Prep Bldg 60-170
<50% Online
Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in Culinary Arts 165 & 174 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Material Fee: $50.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUCD-125 2513 Child Growth & Development 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU2098 Health, Safety & Nutrition 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUCD-299B 1028 Trauma-Healing Centered Care Bldg 31- 127
51+% OnlineGraded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2853 Interpersonal Communication 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU2854 Interpersonal Communication 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU5765 Interpersonal Communication 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU6644 Career Decision Making 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUCOUN-120 8659 College & Career Success 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU9462 College & Career Success 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUCOUN-130 6337 Study Skills & Time Management 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUCSIS-070 1629 Drone Flight School WSFL Prerequisite: Students must be at least 18 years or older & must meet eligibility requirements under FAA 107 guidelines. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassNot transferableCSIS-071 1630 Drone Cinematography Bldg 56 PLOT_56 Prerequisite: Must have FAA 107 Drone Pilots License. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No PassNot transferableCSIS-110 2698 Principles/Information Systems 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU0937 Assembly Lang/Machine Architec 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in CSIS 293 or CSIS 296 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU2089 Windows Server: Administering 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in CSIS 130 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass, Audit
Transfers to CSU6160 Discrete Structures 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in CSIS 293 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2096 &roid Appl Develop With Java 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in CSIS 293 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU7736 Intro to C++ Programming 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in CSIS 119 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU ECON-1202915 Principles of Macroeconomics 100% Online Prerequisite: "Pass" grade in MATH 090 or equivalent or appropriate mathematics placement. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU2846 Principles of Microeconomics 100% Online Prerequisite: "Pass" grade in MATH 090 or equivalent or appropriate mathematics placement. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU ENGL-1203078 College Composition & Reading 100% Online Prerequisite: Appropriate placement in ENGL 120. Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUENGL-236 3550 Chicana/O Literature Bldg 100-117 Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUETHN-115 9696 Intro to Cultural Competence 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUETHN-125 9693 Cross-Cultural Psychology 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUETHN-127 1942 La Chicana 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU0723 Latinx Communities in U.S. 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU ETHN-1431945 Images of Black Women :ecture
51-583Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU7889 Planet Earth 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUHED-120 5286 Personal Health & Lifestyles 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUHED-201 5287 Introduction to Public Health 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUHIST-109 1043 Modern American History Bldg 51-583 Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUHIST-101 2925 Modern World History 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUHIST-114 1932 Compar Hist of Early Americas 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUHUM-110 3312 Principles of Humanities 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUHUM-110 7862 Principles of Humanities 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUHUM-120 7860 European Humanities 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUJAPN-149 3341 Japanese Culture/Civilization Bldg 53-544B Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUMCOM-110 1986 Mass Media & Society 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUMCOM-111 0997 Introduction to Film Analysis 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU0998 Social Media in Digital Age 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2855 Great Music Listening 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2858 History of Rock Music 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU9227 Medical-Surgical Nursing I Bldg 34-251
HOSP Prerequisite: Admission to the Registered Nursing Program. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Material Fee: $124.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU9229 Obstetric & Pediatric Nursing Bldg 34-204
HOSP Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in NURS 120 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Material Fee: $50.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUNURS-222 9231 Psych & Community Health Nurs Bldg 34-204
HOSP Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in NURS 130 & 132 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Material Fee: $50.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUNUTR-155 6291 Introduction to Nutrition 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUNUTR-200 2349 Foods & Nutr: Overview & Opp Bldg 100-102A ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUPHIL-110 2535 A General Intro to Philosophy 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUPHIL-125 1248 Critical Thinking 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUPHIL-125 2906 Critical Thinking 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU0636 Bioethics 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3771 Introduction to Photography Bldg 20-116 ZTC
Material Fee: $35.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUPHOT-152 1991 Contemporary Photo Practice Bldg 20-116 Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in PHOT 150 or PHOT 151 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Material Fee: $35.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUPHOT-252 2342 Photographer's Portfolio Bldg 20-116 Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in PHOT 150 or PHOT 151 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.ZTC
Material Fee: $35.00Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU4156 Politics & Political Analysis 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUPOSC-145 0682 Intro-Latin Amer Govt/Politcs 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUPOSC-148 0986 American Foreign Policy 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU9095 Cross-Cultural Psychology 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUPSY-134 7749 Human Sexuality 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU9097 Developmental Psychology 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in PSY 120 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUPSY-201 9098 Acad/Career Opportunity-Psych 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in PSY 120 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU7614 Research Method for Psychology Bldg 53- 547 Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in PSY 120 & PSY 215 or ANTH 215 or SOC 215 or MATH 160 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU7615 Cognitive Psychology 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in PSY 120 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU PSY-1403048 Physiological Psychology 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in MATH 103 or MATH 110 or equivalent or appropriate placement beyond intermediate algebra. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU PSY-2151295 Statistics/Behavioral Sciences Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in MATH 103 or MATH 110 or equivalent or appropriate placement beyond intermediate algebra. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU5333 Learning 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in PSY 120 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU RELG-1752728 Relg, Govt, Politics in America 100% Online ZTCTransfers to CSU2849 World Religions 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU2735 Religion & Culture 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU4225 Religion & Culture HyFlex Location: Bldg: 31-107 OR OnlineGraded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU4231 Supervised Clinical Practcm I HOSP Prerequisite: Admission to the Respiratory Therapy Program. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Corequisite: "C" grade or higher or concurrent enrollment in RESP 105 & 108 & 114. - Must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU2534 Introductory Sociology Bldg 53-542 Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU SOC-1202934 Introductory Sociology 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUSOC-120 5452 Introductory Sociology 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUSOC-120 5928 Introductory Sociology 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUSOC-125 7873 Marriage, Fam & Alt Lifestyles 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU7756 Contemporary Social Problems 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU8954 Latinx Communities in U.S. 100% Online ZTCGraded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU9103 Statistics/Behavioral Science 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in MATH 103 or MATH 110 or equivalent or appropriate placement beyond intermediate algebra. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3095 Spanish I 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU2859 Spanish I 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-101 3095 Intro to Narrative Theory 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU4466 Intro to the Theatre 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-111A 2643 Rehersal/Perform: Acting I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-111B 2644 Rehersal/Perform: Acting II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 111A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU4469 Rehersal/Perform: Acting III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 111B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-111D 4470 Rehersal/Perform: Acting IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 111C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-112A 2650 Rehers/Perform: Stage Mgmt I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU2652 Rehers/Perform: Stage Mgmt II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 112A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-112C 4473 Rehers/Perform: Stage Mgmt III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 112B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU4474 Rehers/Perform: Stage Mgmt IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 112C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-113A 2657 Rehears/Perform: Prod Crew I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU2658 Rehears/Perform: Prod Crew II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 113A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-113C 4477 Rehears/Perform: Prod Crew III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 113B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU4478 Rehears/Perform: Prod Crew IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 113C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3848 Theatre Workshop Lab: Acting I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-122B 3849 Theatre Workshop Lab: Acting II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 122A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3850 Theatre Workshop Lab: Acting III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 122B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3851 Theatre Workshop Lab: Acting IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 122C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-123A 3852 Workshop Lab: Construct I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-123B 3853 Workshop Lab: Construct II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 123A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3854 Workshop Lab: Construct III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 123B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3855 Workshop Lab: Construct IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 123C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3856 Thtr Workshop Lab: Prod Crew I Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3857 Thtr Workshop Lab: Prod Crew II Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 124A or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUTHTR-124C 3858 Thtr Workshop Lab: Prod Crew III Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 124B or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU3859 Thtr Workshop Lab: Prod Crew IV Bldg 21-247 Prerequisite: Audition & a "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in THTR 124C or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSUSearch for Classes | Enrollment Help
Other Short-term Classes
Aug 21 - Oct 14
Course Section Title Modality Info 5288 Introduction to Public Health 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
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Sep 05 - Dec 16
Course Section Title Modality Info 1344 College Composition & Reading 100% Online Prerequisite: Appropriate placement in ENGL 120. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
1343 College Composition & Reading 100% Online Prerequisite: Appropriate placement in ENGL 120. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
2880 College Composition & Reading 55-528 Lecture/Lab
T-TH: 7:00 - 9:05 am
Prerequisite: Appropriate placement in ENGL 120. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
2880 College Composition & Reading F2F Bldg. 55-528
T-TH 7:00-9:05 am
Prerequisite: Appropriate placement in ENGL 120. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
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Sep 18 - Dec 16
Course Section Title Modality Info 8072 Introduction to Nutrition 100% Online Additional Fees: $81.75
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to UC/CSU
1319 Google Applications for Business 100% Online ZTC
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
1972 Modern World Humanities F2F
Location: 100-125 AND Online
Low Text Book Costs
Transfers to UC/CSU
9899 College Composition & Reading 100% Online
Prerequisite: Appropriate placement in ENGL 120. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
PHIL-1172851 History Phil II: Mod/Contemp F2F
Online <50%Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
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Oct 02 - Nov 04
Course Section Title Modality Info 0294 Comprehensive Word II 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 120 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
BOT-127 2070 Comprehensive Access II 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 126 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
Search for Classes | Enrollment Help
Oct 02 - Nov 18
Course Section Title Modality Info 5076 Health Education for Teachers 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
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Oct 16 - Nov 09
Course Section Title Modality Info 0297 Comprehensive Excel II 100% Online Recommended Preparation: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 123 or equivalent. - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Graded: Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSUSearch for Classes | Enrollment Help
Oct 16 - Dec 16
Course Section Title Modality Info 2078 Human Relations in Business F2F & Online M/W: 8:00 am - 9:20 am
Bldg. 55-552
Graded: Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU9903 College Composition & Reading 100% Online Prerequisite: Appropriate placement in ENGL 120. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to UC/CSU
ENGL-124 5924 Adv Comp: Criticl Reason/Write 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in ENGL 120 or ESL 122 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Low Text Book Costs
Graded, Pass/No PassTransfers to CSU
ENGL-236 3550 Chicana/o Literature 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
ETHN-236 9714 Chicana/o Literature 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
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Oct 23 - Nov 18
Course Section Title Modality Info 0576 Health Education for Teachers 100% Online Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
Search for Classes | Enrollment Help
Oct 23 - Nov 18
Course Section Title Modality Info 9278 Comprehensive Word III 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 121 or equivalent - Must be completed prior to taking this course
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
2071 Comprehensive Access III 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 127 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
Search for Classes | Enrollment Help
Nov 06 - Dec 16
Course Section Title Modality Info 9278 Comprehensive Word III 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 121 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
2071 Comprehensive Acess III 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 127 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
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Nov 13 - Dec 16
Course Section Title Modality Info 9279 Comprehensive Excel III 100% Online Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher or "Pass" in BOT 124 or equivalent. - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Graded, Pass/No Pass
Transfers to CSU
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How it works
Shorter than the traditional 16-week semester length classes Short-term classes are accelerated & can be completed in as little as four, six, or eight weeks Class start dates begin several times per semester Most courses are instructor led & have assignments with deadlines
What a short-term class is NOT
A mini version of a full-semester length class Self-paced
F2F or in-person: Classes are taught on campus Online: Classes are taught 100% online via Canvas Hybrid: Classes meet on-campus but have an online component HyFlex: Your choice of being on campus or online during a particular class. Synchronous: All students must log in at the same time for a synchronous, online class Asynchronous: Online classes in which students can log & complete assignments when they wish Benefits
Fast. Affordable. Flexible. Graduate sooner Offers flexibility for students juggling family, work, & school Flexible meeting options, F2F, Online, Hybrid, HyFlex Summary
Grossmont College’s short-term, accelerated, classes allow students to fast-track their educational goals by offering classes that start several times per semester.
With so many students juggling work, school, family & life, accelerated course offerings with a variety of delivery options may be a smart fit for hectic schedules.
Tips for Success
Tips for Success
Check start & stop dates Underst& the course requirements outlined in the syllabus
Mark your calendar with assignment due dates
Create a study plan with dedicated study blocks
Break down tasks
Take breaks
Stay Engaged. Utilize the discussion board & other tools in Canvas to communicate with your instructor & other students
Familiarize yourself with campus resources such as tutoring, success coaches before you need them
Connect with others. Don't wait to seek help from your instructor & use the free campus resources available to you Ensure your contact information is always updated with the college