Random 60
Celebrating our 60th anniversary with 60 random acts of kindness
Report KindnessCelebrating our 60th anniversary with 60 random acts of kindness
Report Kindness
CalWORKs - Volunteer | 2018 - Basket Brigade
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Random 60
To celebrate Grossmont College’s 60th anniversary, we are asking our college community to engage in random acts of kindness and to share stories when a colleague or student offered support to others, not just on campus, but also in the community.
Random 60 is meant to highlight untold random acts of kindness that our college community has provided to others over the decades that often go unrecognized. Please help us spread the word about how these simple acts of kindness can foster a more caring world.
Do you know someone who performed a random act of kindness for you, someone else or our surrounding community? Please tell us about it.
Liz Barrow
Cardiovascular Technology Instructor - Coordinator
The Grossmont College Cardiovascular Technology Program, now in its 50th year, is accredited for three different areas of study: Adult Echocardiography (Cardiac Ultrasound), Vascular Technology (Vascular ultrasound), and Invasive CVT (Cardiac Cath Lab Techs). Grossmont College also has the only accredited CVT program in California for Invasive and Vascular technology, and just one other college in California has an Adult Echo program. Our CVT program is heading into its 50th year now, and due to the few numbers of CVT programs in the country, our program enjoys a healthy waitlist of 2-3 years.The two-year program is a rigorous one. Students are studying hard during the most trying of times. The 2023 cohort just completed its first semester and will move forward into their second semester this spring before moving into their clinical rotations in the summer. After that, they will complete a second year with lecture and lab on campus as well as clinical assignments in local hospitals.More than 90% of program graduates find jobs in their field of study.To recognize these students after they completed their final exams, Liz Barrow and Denise Whisenhunt presented them with small boxes filled with treats. Students were grateful for this random act of kindness, but even more important, felt appreciated and rewarded.This random act of kindness should be recognized.
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Frank Laveaga
CAPS Supervisor
Frank takes care of his department and team regularly without any acknowledgement. He brings in coffee, food, supplies and small gifts of appreciation on a regular basis and leaves them out for all to use and rarely identifies himself as the person doing so. Frank has also put together goodie bags for our homeless population on campus. He purchases items they need with his own money and leaves them at our office for use by our team when they work alone at night. The bags create goodwill and respect between our team and our homeless population often helping us deescalate bad situations. Frank needs to be recognized for this.
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Michael Adams
Nursing Student
I was walking my dog in my neighborhood and saw a student delivering a meal to a neighbor of mine who is on hospice. It was a random meeting and the first time I’ve seen my student in person in over a year plus because class has been remote. The student is Michael Adams, currently a 4th semester Nursing Student, who was volunteering for Meals in Wheels. It turns out he has been volunteering throughout the pandemic sharing his kindness.
Originally posted on the Random 60 padlet.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Genie Montoya
Business Comm Services Supervisor
Jeanette Irvin
Business Services Specialist
Hi five to the GC Business Office! The team of Genie and Jeanette are a key element in the success of our Theatre Arts students and program.
They provide assistance with the student touring van rentals, mailing of annual program to our guests, contacting campus departments for assistance, providing workday training without intimidation and providing a word of encouragement /smiles when they see an opportunity.
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Gabriela Avila Garcia
Campus and Parking Services Supervisor
Gaby's kindness is not random but always intentional and should be recognized. As a CAPS employee Gaby has never left the campus during our entire COVID shut down the past two years. She worked diligently and more hours than required. During this time she quietly assisted so many staff and faculty with things that needed to be done in their office spaces such as turning on computers, taking out garbage's, feeding the CDC pets and completing small maintenance projects on both campuses. She's the type of person that never really asks for help but is always willing to stop her day and help others. I've watched Gaby assist frustrated students during the pandemic for up to an hour with registration questions or general information that they had trouble finding. They always leave happy customers. I know many others on our team would support this nomination.
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While having dinner with my partner, we decided to do our first 60th anniversary random act of kindness by picking up the bill for two ladies who were sitting next to us.#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Eric Klein
Dean, Learning & Technology Resources
A student came by the LTRC as she was told she could print a document in our building. Unfortunately, with the reduced staff in the LTR, both the Library and Tech Mall are closed. Eric invited this student into his office and helped her figure out how to send the document from her phone to one of us in the office so we could print it for her. She was very appreciative and I hope this changed her perception of Grossmont College.
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Lorena Carpenter
Human Resources Specialist
During Christmas and New Year holidays I received a letter from my Medical Kaiser Permanente about the cancellation of my medical benefits. My husband is on my medical benefit as dependent and he has health issues. He had a doctor's appointment in less than a week and he is running out of his medicines. I was shocked and didn't know what to do and he is very dependent on his medication. I called a few phone numbers at the college with nobody to answer because of college was closed and was very nervous so I called contacted Lorena Carpenter via email and asked for her help. she was on her vacation and after she read my email she called me back right away and reopened my Kaiser membership and I know it was not an easy task to do especially during vacation and I know how long she was on phone to reconnected my medical and my husband could visit his doctor and refiled all his medication on time. she is an amazing and kind person. I could not believe if I could get assistance to reopen my kaiser medical benefit. My husband always talks very highly about Grossmont College wonderful service and care
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Michael Catolico
Student Michael Catolico has spent countless hours during this pandemic trying to stay busy by researching information, creating informative videos, filming video blogs, and telling virtual stories to share with seniors and individuals with specific disabilities. Several of these short videos have been educational and informative to support those who don't have access to media, technology, general community information, or current events. Other videos have been more recreational and focused on reading different articles, books, or miscellaneous material for others who cannot read the material themselves.
On another occasion, he spoke to an elderly senior who was sharing his dismay about not having the opportunity to visit the beach during this last year to walk on the sand or see the sunset. Michael's act of kindness was to spend time at the beach, and its surrounding area, photographing the sunrise and the sunset for a few days in a row. He then put together a photography video slide show of the experience. The video also included visuals of waves and the sound of the waves and seagulls. Lastly, he collected some sand in a plastic container, put it together in a lovely gift box, and delivered it to the senior with his version of a beach in a box kit.
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Deanna Thompson
Web & Technology Support Specialist
Deanna reached out to me on her own time, off the clock, to help me resolve a serious problem I was having access to the Department website.
Over the years I've worked with Deanna, she has done so many kindnesses for me, and pulled me and the English Department out of so many crises, that I was delighted to be able to recognize her, at last, for her help. I and many others appreciate her more than she realizes, and she gives of her own time more than most people understand. She's just a kindhearted and compassionate person for whom the impulse to do a "mitzvah" is just an innate part of her personality. So, I nominate her, gladly, to be recognized for all she has done for me, my department, and for the college.
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Michele Clock
Director Public Information,
Government Relations & Community Relations
As the Director of Public Information, Government Relations & Community Relations for the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, Michele Clock has her hands full. Regardless, Michele is never too busy to help out a friend or co-worker. When a fellow employee recently fell ill, Michele volunteered to pick the person up from the hospital. With the fellow employee convalescing back hom, Michele headed to the grocery store and on her own dime went shopping. This was a true random act of kindness and it underscores who Michele is.
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Dana Mints
Student Services Specialist - Transfer Center
I currently serve as the Classified Senate President at Grossmont College. Recently, Classified Senate has been hit hard with several Senators stepping down. Given the current challenges facing us, this is not surprising, but rather sad. When Dana, a current Senator, asked to meet with me today, I was sure she was going to step down, too. My morning was spent hoping she had other news to share with me, but I was ready to support her in anything she had to share with me. I was overjoyed when she said she wanted to know how she could pitch in and better support Classified Senate. I have not stopped smiling. Dana is an amazing Classified Professional, Senator, and human being. Her kindness melted my heart and I am honored to serve beside her on Classified Senate. Thank you, Dana.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Victoria Rodriguez
Research and Planning Analyst
All of us know how difficult losing a beloved pet can be. After learning that I was struggling emotionally in the wake of putting down our 14-year-old dog, Victoria came by my office with an individually wrapped madeleine cookie, offered her sincere condolences, and noted that her family had a custom of offering something sweet to people who were hurting as a way of helping them to feel better. It was such a small, yet incredibly profound gesture of kindness, and it nearly moved me to tears.Victoria does so much for so many on a professional level at Grossmont College. She also is one of the kindest people I've been fortunate to know.
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Tenille Venard
Evaluations Advisor
She is simply KIND, and CARING. Her kindness makes me feel comfortable to discuss student's issues or any question that I have throughout the day. Her kindness makes her the most beautiful person in our Admissions office and for sure in the world. Grossmont College family in whole is grateful to have Tenille as a professional Evaluator Advisor. I always appreciate and admire her for being so supportive to our students in any walk. She is truly the one who shows kindness, grace, and love to all.
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Ariana Soto
Interim Clerical Assistant
Each semester, we work with different departments to help spread the word about scholarships available to all students. Ariana Soto, interim clerical assistant in Student Affairs, went above and beyond to create and post a social media graphic to help promote scholarship opportunities. This graphic helped share the information in a clear, appealing manner that would really grab the attention of our students. I really appreciated her proactive approach!
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Linda Elia
Admissions & Records Residency Specialist
Linda Elia is a passionate member of Grossmont College Admissions Office who works as Residency Specialist. She fuels her engine with her passion to help our students in any walk along with her kindness in every single day. She always goes above and beyond to find a way to help our students who have complex situation. She works tirelessly, and extremely caring and passionate to settle each student and improve enrollment. Her true passion and kindness burns within her soul, and is the one that can never be put out.
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Nadra Farina-Hess
Cataloging Librarian
My daughter, Kristina, is a GC alumnus and while here, she met many of my co-workers, including the fabulous Nadra. While Kristina has since moved to Washington state, many still ask about her and her family. A couple of weeks ago, Kristina's furbaby, Whiskey Diablo, passed away just before his 16th birthday. Nadra knew of Kristina's incredible bond with Whiskey and this news saddened her. Nadra went above and beyond and actually took the time to write Kristina (not email) to offer her sympathy and support as she learns to cope in a world without her furbaby boy. What an incredibly kind, sweet gesture from Nadra. I know my daughter will appreciate Nadra's kind words and deed. We need more Nadras in this world.
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Someone is keeping fresh flowers in our department each day this semester....it's beautiful and brings nature and color to our work environment every day!
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
We all know how quickly gas prices have spiked in recent weeks. Many of us are hurting. Some more than others. One employee at Grossmont College has been going through particularly challenging times, prompting a co-worker to provide cash needed to pay for a tank of gas.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Suzanne Place
Sodexo General Manager
Suzanne dropped by my office on 4/14/22 on my remote work day and left me some yummy chocolate covered almonds! It was so nice to come back to such a kind action.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Michele Martens
Admin Assistant III - LTR
Michele Martens is a proud Grossmont College Administrative Assistant III serving in Learning & Technology Resources Department. Her warm smile is the universal language of KINDNESS!
Her kindness is one of the greatest gifts that she shared with GC family in whole.
Michele, thank you for your kindness. You are always such a beautiful, kind hearted person. I feel so lucky to have you as a humble mentor in Grossmont College, and learn from you how to be passionate in serving our students!
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Michele Martens
Admin Assistant III - LTR
Michele was so kind! She brought homemade cupcakes and cookies to the Academic Senate meeting. Each one was individually wrapped. You could tell it was all made with love. I really appreciate her kindness. She does these beautiful acts of kindness across the campus. During these challenging times, she brings love and joy to everyone. Thank you Michele!
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Denise Whisenhunt J.D.
Grossmont College President
I was in a meeting with President Whisenhunt about a week ago; I look forward to our in-person meetings as President Whisenhunt is always so supportive and willing to help in any way she can. I noticed a new plant in her office and I commented how much I liked it. Dr. Whisenhunt insisted I take this beautiful plant back to my office. I was touched by this and I gratefully accepted her gift. When our meeting ended, I headed back to my office. A few minutes later, I hear a knock on my door and there stands President Whisenhunt, with the gift I forgot to bring with me. These types of gestures make President Whisenhunt a Grossmont College treasure. Thank you for your kindnes.
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Raquel Peshkepia
Throughout the years working with Raquel she has always been very kind to those around her. In particular, the kindness and genuine connection with students is admirable. I had a meeting with Raquel yesterday and in a very kind way asked how I was doing and provided a space to check-in. Taking a moment to truly connect on our well-being can be powerful and I am thankful to have such a kind colleague.
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Maura Mehrian
Child Development Center Coordinator
Sherri Smith
Child Development Center Technician
On behalf of the Asian & Pacific Islander Committee, I would like to recognize Maura Mehrian, Sherri Smith, and the entire Child Development Center staff because they brought out the children, ages 3-5, to the Main Quad on May 4th, which is when we had our kick-off event "Squid Games: Let the Games Begin" for AAPI Heritage Month. Maura, Sherri, and the Child Development Center Staff let me borrow their bubble machines for the events and allowed our committee members to draw with chalk and play hopscotch with the kids. They had so much fun playing "Red Light, Green Light" and an easy game of "tug-a-war." It was delightful to give the kids tons of stickers as prizes. Thank you, Maura and the whole team, for bringing the children out to play on this game day. Your enthusiasm, thoughtful correspondence, and collaboration made it a very special experience.
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Grossmont College Community
El Cajon fire stations #7 and #34 were hit with random ice cream treat deliveries by the Grossmont College community on the morning of May 2. What a wonderful gesture!
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Renee Nasori
Career Services Supervisor
Renee is always willing to help and support any person we come across. She is very resourceful and helpful.
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Khalid Alkurie
World Language Instructor
Khalid brought his students to the office for a career readiness workshop. He was thankful for my help and shared his appreciation.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
David Ogul
Interim Director of College & Community Relations
While walking the campus with David, a student inquired about receiving cash back from the Bookstore in order to purchase food from the campus grill. The campus ATM machine was down and the Bookstore could not give cash back. Overhearing the transaction, David sprung to action and asked the student how much he needed for food. The student stated a couple dollar. David reached in his wallet and give the student much more than requested. The student at first declined and then asked how he could repay David. David's response was... pay it forward.
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Pat Palma
Clerical Assistant - World Languages
My two student helpers didn't show up for the Grossmont College 60th Anniversary party. Pat volunteered to help the whole time. She rounded up people, got model releases signed, put mics on, and watched all my gear when I had to photograph the guest speakers. I couldn't have done the photoshoot without her great help!
Pat has always been there to help out anyone; anytime. I think she is underappreciated! I would not have been able to shoot both videos and still images without her that day!
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Esteban Tran
Esteban is by far the kindest person I’ve met. Most people might see him as reserved and people who are closest to him as goofy. Aside from those perspectives of who he is, he’s genuinely so much more giving than he’ll take credit for. I think we often see giving as monetary or materialistic things but we tend to forget about giving through time and energy. Yes, he’s giving in physical things but I think he should be acknowledged for giving his time and energy to help wherever he can.
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Frank Laveaga
CAPS Supervisor
One evening, Frank did the total "Macgyver-move" using innovation and a warm smile, to support a student whose important identification was nestled in the dashboard of his car, resulting in a student being literally landlocked on the campus.
With ingenuity, he created a duct tabe and paper tool, and was able to remove the identification crammed in the dashboard.
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Barbara Sperling & Judy Stern
Community Members
The Grossmont College 60th Anniversary celebration on May 3 that attracted some 400 people or more was a success because of the contributions of so many people who gave their time and effort because of who they are and because it was for a good cause. Barbara Sperling and Judy Stern, who are part of our neighboring community and are active in the Tifereth Israel Synagogue Sisterhood auxiliary, did not hesitate when they learned we were in the need of beautiful, white tablecloths for the event. Their response: "How many do you need? Here they are. Take all you want." But wait, there's more. Not only did they grab the needed tablecloths, they offered also offered to set up centerpieces, purchase placemats, and even cater the event. Only after much persuasion were they convinced that all we needed was the tablecloths. Barbara and Judy embody the goodness that surrounds Grossmont College and the support of our neighboring community. They asked for nothing in return, except to insist that Grossmont College have a wonderful event.
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Tim Cliffe
Geography Instructor
Tim Cliff supported my career path by encouraging me to not give up and always complimenting me on my notes and the amount of effort I was putting out during the semester. He always would have a positive attitude and a smile for his students which inspired me to have a better outlook on my future and it actually paid off, I have been accepted into SDSU in the Fall and I am totally grateful for his unlimited support.
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Dr. Marshall Fullbright III
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Sometimes all it takes is a box of donuts. A big shout out to Dr. Marshall Fulbright for bringing in a big box of assorted donuts into the office today. Just one example of the kindness exhibited by Dr. Fulbright on a daily basis.
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Sally Cox
Foundation for Grossmont Cuyamaca College - CEO
In what was a touching random act of kindness, the Grossmont College community arranged to distribute 60 lovely sunflowers to people attending the Grossmont College 60th Anniversary Celebration on May 3, with a note urging recipients to gift the sunflower to another person in appreciation of the recipient's kindness. Both those who gave and those who received were touched. What's more, the initiative provided a boost of momentum to the Random Acts of Kindness campaign. Congratulations to the Foundation for Grossmont and Cuyamaca Colleges and members of the Grossmont College community for this beautiful act of kindness.
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The Foundation
Foundation for Grossmont Cuyamaca College
The Foundation for Grossmont & Cuyamaca Community Colleges does so much for both campuses and for the District. Kudos to the Foundation for its Giving for Griffins day on May 3 with a goal of raising at least $6,000, which is matching. These funds will help future generations of students seek the education and job training they need to succeed.
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Indira Saldana
Student Services Specialist
Indira is a genuine spirit and a wonderful person to work with. It is truly the simple things that mean so much. While in line getting some Hawaiian food in appreciation of AAPI Month, I dropped my fork on the floor. Indira, simply went back to the front of the line to grab me another fork. It is this random, yet genuine, act of kindness that can light up someone's day. I am grateful to have a colleague like Indira.
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CalWORKs Club
A big Grossmont College shout-out to the Grossmont CalWORKs Club, which is engaging in a random act of kindness by seeking donations of graduation caps and gowns for our amazing students who will be graduating this spring. Speaking of donations, the CalWORKs Club will accept new or used black caps and gowns of all sizes.
Drop-off Info:
Building 38E 102A Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm CalWORKs Website
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Pearl Lopez
EOPS Counselor, Instructor, Department Chair
Dr. Pearl is a leader who has been an integral part of the Grossmont College family since she was a student here more than three decades ago. Despite the demands on her time as Faculty Senate President, Dr. Lopez spent time recently reading to the children at the Grossmont College Child Development Center.Thank you, Dr. Pearl Lopez!
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Victoria Rodriguez
Research and Planning Analyst
Dr. Rodriguez embodies what is good about Grossmont College. Recently, she not only read to the kids at the Child Development Center, but also put on her ballet folklorico dress and shoes and also danced with the little cherubs.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Cindy Emerson
Administrative Assistant III - CPIE
Cindy took time out of her busy day to read to the kids at the campus Child Development Center. This small act of kindness made their day."The kids are just so adorable," said Cindy, who read "What Sound is Morning."
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Joan Ahrens
Interim Dean of CPIE
Joan exudes kindness. On May 4, despite the numerous demands on her time, Joan spent part of her morning at the Child Development Center to read to the kids.
It was hard to tell who had more fun. "It was the best time," said Joan. "I absolutely loved it." Thanks, Joan, for all you do!
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Sharon Sampson
AOJ Instructor
Sharon has such a kind heart and is so giving! During our in-person Academic Senate meetings, she brought pastries and other treats to share with everyone. Thank you so much for being such a giving person!
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Grossmont Administration
Administration providing food to various Facilities Maintenance and Operations shifts to show appreciation for all of the great work they do.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Chris Weiss
General Maintenance Worker
Chris takes care of our keys and prox card programming and a LOT of other maintenance stuff. Chris always asks me how I am doing before departing.
When Chris asks how I am doing, I know he means to know and listen to how I am actually doing. He is so sincere in hearing what I have to say and welcomes the bit of time to relate personal and professional discussion. Chris is amazingly positive - I can't say enough what a difference it makes in my workday.
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Dee Aceves
Articulation Counselor
Dee invited some members of the curriculum committee for a culinary arts takeout dinner! She set the table with linen and flowers and we dined with a view of Cowels Mountain as the sun set. This is one of the many thoughtful actions Dee makes to thank her colleagues. (Like goodie bags in your mailbox)
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Janet Carter
Administrative Assistant III - Arts, Languages, & Communication
Janet goes above and beyond every day to help staff in the ALC Division with their tasks. In addition, she is observant when someone enters the office complex and aks if they need help. She is especially helpful to students who enter the office for assistance. Her abilities to keep track of the whole scope of division operations enables me to stay on top of the vast number of requests and duties that crop up every day. In short, she is indispensable to the smooth functioning of the entire division.
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Jacob C. McDermott
Jacob was very considerate and encouraging to his classmates this semester. He was polite to his instructor on every front. One who is thinking about others in the future, when under stress with their own very present timeline considerations, is a special kind of person.
Not only was Jacob a great classmate and excellent student this semester, he contacted me and asked if he could donate his textbook to someone in need in the class for the next semester. He took the text to my mailbox during his Finals week. That is truly collegiate kindness.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Claudia Moreno
Contracts Specialist
Claudia works in our District's Purchasing and Contracts office and has gone above and beyond in making sure our commencement contracts go through the process in a timely manner! In particular our security contract! She made an extra effort to communicate with the provider to ensure we were able to have a contract in place in time for our equipment to begin arriving!
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Debora Curry
Administrative Assistant I - English, Social, Behavioral Sciences
I had casually shared with Debora how I was nervous about returning to the classroom, in person, after two years of being online. Nervously, I was wondering what I might have lost, that my mojo might be stuck. Well, upon entering the classroom on the first day of the semester I found a lovely succulent on the front table with a card reading "Sydney: you got this." It made me feel so good that Debora was thinking of me and had gone out of her way to encourage me to have a great semester. And you know what? I did.
Debora is always thinking of other people in our department. She never misses a birthday and seeks out ways to make us feel recognized, supported, and cared about. In fact, she practices random acts of kindness every day. She is my hero.
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Theresa Apodaca
Clerical Assistant, Intermediate
Theresa takes the time to talk students even when they don't have an appointment. She is always helping students and going above and beyond.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
GCCCD Employees & Community Members
Scholarship Cycle
For this scholarship cycle, over 1,000 students submitted applications. Each application needs 3 separate reviewers, which requires us to gather a large committee of individuals. GCCCD staff, community members and alumni stepped up and volunteered to review each application. The feedback, time, and flexibility of our committee was so appreciated.
I was so appreciative of everyone taking the time to help our students! We can't do our work without them.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Cierra DeVries
Cierra used her RD time during the workday to go rescue a kitten found in the gutter before giving it some food and taking it to the shelter before her family adopted it!
Cierra was super excited to share pictures of the kitten and this isn't the first time she's rescued animals. Last semester she rescued 3 stay kittens in her neighborhood and she ended up adopting one and her sister adopted the other.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Sally Cox
Foundation for Grossmont Cuyamaca College - CEO
Sally is always available with a smile and encouraging words. She is wonderful at stopping by just to say hello and check in on how things are going. This act of kindness makes such a difference during the course of the day.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Brian Cantarini
Electronics Technician Sr. - Media Communications
Brian has been active in animal rescue for several years. He has adopted several dogs, many of which were abused or abandoned and has taken it upon himself to help these animals recover and to find good adoptive homes for them. He is noted in the Santee community for his kindness and willingness to help these animals and to strengthen awareness of animal cruelty and the need for them to have a loving home.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Maryam Rastvan
Admissions & Records Assistant, Senior
Maryam goes above and beyond her job duty to help students get on track. She will walk them to the next department to make sure other people in the following department understand the student's inquiries and issues. She watches for any of the Admissions team members who might be overwhelmed with work and will offer help regardless. She always walks with a smile despite how she feels. We are extremely fortunate to have her in our department.
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Chris Weiss
General Maintenance Worker
Chris is a long time employee of the college and has been one of the hardest working and most kind humans I've ever met. He is fun with a great sense of humor and constantly asking how he can help us and if we need anything. He truly takes care of our team, even during the pandemic when almost no one else was around. Chris came in to help us out! Thank you so much Chris!
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Denise Whisenhunt
Led by President Denise Whisenhunt, the Grossmont College community on June 3 spent much of the morning delivering hundreds of pairs of new socks to senior centers in the East County, along with 'thank you' cards thanking those who work at the centers for watching over our seniors.
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A Grossmont College community member
A member of the Grossmont College community, upon seeing a homeless person near a Dumpster in the parking lot of a La Mesa fast food restaurant, went inside the restaurant, ordered a hamburger and bottle of water, and handed the meal to him on their way out.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
Karen Kline
District Projects Supervisor
Always promoting a solution or suggestion, Karen continues to improve our Workday experience and making it more streamlined and seamless. During all levels of volume, Karen's solution-oriented approach often feels like the magic touch and is much appreciated.
#ThisIsGrossmont | Report Kindness >
I found a note on my car noting that my car's tire was damaged. Thanks to the kind person who left the message so I could take care of it before breaking down somewhere.
I wish I could thank the individual in person....short of that, I hope they read this and know they are appreciated.
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